Tuesday, December 4, 2007

First and Foremost

Hello and how the hell'r ya?

This is my blogging beginning but I assure you it will not end anytime soon. In the interest of becoming a part of the Great Human Discussion I would like to toss my hat in, put my nuts on the table, scrape my tattooed skin off and hang it up on display for all to see and select or refuse. Hello and how the hell'r ya?

My name is Dixon Fears. I am a writer and a student. I harbor tempered but still obsessive love for films, sports, culture, society, ideas, and the intersections where these ideas meet and meld, slam into each other and explode, slide up to each other and exchange, careen into each other's paths and ricochet off, either back to whence they came, or off into some other ideas membrane. I'm 27 and often feel overmatched by it all.
But, shit, here I am.

Let the flames begin.

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